Cumulus is a motor glider intended for engine off soaring to fill a gap in that category as nothing like that is currently available on the kit plane market. I designed and built the fiberglass cabin for it. About eight kits were initially delivered but the production has been on hold for the past 4 years after Jim Collie fatal accident and destruction of the prototype . He was the kit designer / producer . A new is party has recently taken the project and after some redesign work of the wing assembly process is currently building a new factory demo. Hopefully everything goes well and the Cumulus will be resurrected again.
The early stage of gluing up the foam around the steel tubing frame. 3m contact spray adhesive and hot glue gun is used
Most rough shaping is done by carving the foam with a large sharp steak knife. I took a trip to Tennessee so we could do this with Jim together.
The plane is taking its shape nicely. This is as good as it needs to get for the design part, now we remove the boom tube and I can take it back home to finish the rest. Behind on the trailer, that’s the original Cumulus prototype that was built in TEAM factory as a proof of concept.
That’s Jim’s shop from the outside , I have the project loaded on the top of my car and I’m about to leave
Now in my workshop, the foam has been shaped and covered with two plies of fiberglass to form a hard shell. A lot of filling and sanding, followed by priming and wet sanding remains to be done, to bring the shape and the surface into perfection.
And here it is, the finished plug , as it’s called in the mold making industry. Four separate molds will be made from this plug, the bottom pan , front top and two rear left and right sides.
The bottom pan mold under construction , The white stuff is light weight filler applied about ¼ inch thick between the layers of fiberglass to increase the thickness / stiffness of the mold without adding a lot of weight and money,
Here we are at Sun"N"Fun , That’s Jim in the right upper corner